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Welcome to Boat Check WA

Welcome to Boat Check WA

Posted by Mike on 9th Mar 2023

Boat Check WA has launched!

Our goal is to provide the very best service when it comes to insurance condition reports, pre-purchase inspections and outboard motor checks in Perth, Mandurah and Rockingham.

Many people buy a boat and have years of trouble free fun...yep, you hear about that a lot on Facebook, from friends, the guys at the footy club or the boaty bloke at the pub....

But what you don't hear as much is the people who buy a boat and have years of trouble ;)

Lets face it, if you buy a dud, you aren't going to be screaming from the rooftops that you made a mistake.

That's were we come in. We can take an unbiased and unemotional look at the boat you want to buy, or the boat you have just bought and let you know what is going to give you grief right now and into the future.

We don't work for the seller, we don't get kickbacks or commission. We just give you the good, the bad and sometimes....the downright ugly.

Knowledge is a powerful thing and knowing what is good and what is bad helps yo to make an informed decision. Many people when buying a trailer boat will base their decision to purchase on it having the latest fancy electronics or a low hour motor and totally overlook a soft, waterlogged transom or damaged hull.

Many people also baulk at getting their boat insured when the insurer asks for a condition report, fearing the insurer will look down on their modest little boat and decline to insure it, when in reality they just want to make sure its seaworthy and safe.

Having the knowledge on what is right and wrong with your intended new boat or existing boat allows you to budget, plan and maintain the boat so it never lets you down and leaves you stranded!